This site has been estabished for the simple purpose of providing a repository of information on Asa and Sally Webster, their lives, their ancestors, their descendants. Both were born in the American Colonies in the tumultuous latter half of the eighteenth century. Both emigrated to Upper Canada, married, spawned a large family, and died there (by then called Canada West) in the mid-nineteenth century. They are buried in the Carpenter Cemetery in Brockville, Ontario, Canada. The migratory pattern established by Asa and Sally was continued by their children, some of whom stayed in Canada, some of whom returned the the United States, and some of whom apparently drifted back and forth before settling in one place or the other. Descendants are now spread across the both countries. The resources posted here are available through the menu on the left. I am happy to post relevant information, supplied by others. Indeed, this site is the a joint project of a number of descendants of Asa and Sally Webster. Those who have made significant contirubutions (and the child from whom each descended) are: |
I am Alistair B. Fraser, and Asa and Sally are my great-great-great grandparents. The relationship between them and me is not so distant as to require establishment by official records. When I was a child, my grandmother told me of her grandfather, Phineas, who had lived with her when she was a teenager. He had told her stories of his life, and that of his parents, Asa and Sally Webster. So, about two-and-a-half centuries after Asa was born, I know of him and his activities through family stories. If you are a descendent of Asa and Sally, send mail to me at . |
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