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Phineas Baldwin’s Land (1801)



About this document

• Transcription of Phineas Baldwin’s 3 April 1801 petition about land.

• Ontario Archives, Toronto, Ontario
• Transcribed by Alistair Fraser, Mar. 2000

• Comments:

This is written in the hand of Phineas Baldwin. He is the father of Sally (Asa’s wife). It is not clear to me what is the significance - if any - of this document. Phineas Baldwin already had land.


Sir -

Please locate my Lands wherever Mr. Rice Honeywell shall Direct and this order Shall be your voucher for the same -

April 3, 1801 -

Phineas Baldwin

the above lands were leased by Mr. Basil Morison [Rorison?] about the later part of 1797



[On reverse:]

Mr. Baldwin Phineas Baldwin
2nd April 1801
Acated lufucly [?]
Mr. Rorison [?]





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