Last update was on Feb. 9, 2003
U n
i v e r s i t i e s
At the University
of Adelaide located in Adelaide, South Australia, there is the Adelaide
University Regiment Pipes and Drums. More information pending.
At the
University of Ballarat located in Ballarat, Victoria, there is the
of Ballarat Pipe Band.
At the University
of Melbourne located in Melbourne, Victoria, there is the Melbourne
University Regiment Pipes and Drums. More information pending.
At the University
of Sydney located in Sydney, New South Wales, there is the Sydney
University Regiment Pipes and Drums.
H i g
h S c h o o l s
Boys College, Toowong, Queensland. Pipe
College, Melbourne, Victoria
Hutchins School,
Hobart, Tasmania
Grammer School, Sydney, New South Wales
Ladies' College, Perth, Western Australia
Scotch College,
Albury, New South Wales
Scotch College,
Adelaide, South Australia
Scotch College,
Melbourne, Victoria
Scotch College,
Perth, Western Australia
Scots College,
Sydney, New South Wales
Scots School,
Bathurst, New South Wales
Scots School,
Warwick, Queensland
Trinty College,
Perth, Western Australia
U n
i v e r s i t i e s
At Queen's
University located in Kingston, Ontario, there is the Queen's University
Pipe Band which can be reached through David R. MacDonald, the Administrative
advisor to all of the Bands at Queen's. He can be reached by email at,
or phone at either (613) 545-2060 or 1 (800) 267-7837, or by mail at Summerhill,
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario Canada K7L 3N6
For the
Loyalist College located in Belleville, Ontario, there is the Brighton
Legion Higlanders. Contact Donna Munroe at (613) 925-0715 or
At the University
of Northern British Columbia located in Prince George, B.C., there
is the University
of Northern British Columbia Pipes and Drums.
At the
University of Calgary located in Calgary, Alberta, there is the University
of Calgary Pipe Band and Highland Dancing Club.
At the Royal
Military College of Canada located in Kingston, Ontario, there is
The Royal Military College
of Canada Band - La Musique du College Militaire Royal du Canada.
At Simon
Fraser University located in Burnaby, British Columbia, there is the
Fraser University Pipe Band. They are the 1995 and 1996 World
Pipe Band champions! There is also have a junior band at SFU.
At the Nova
Scotia Gaelic College, located in Baddeck, Nova Scotia, there is the
Gaelic College
Pipe Band. They are the 1994 World Grade III Pipe Band champions.
The College
of Piping and Celtic Performing Arts of Canada, located in Summerside,
Prince Edward Island, is home to the College
of Piping Pipe Band.
H i
g h S c h o o l s
Magrath HS, Alberta
T0K 1J0
St. Andrew's College School, located in Aurora, Ontario, there is
the Cadet Pipe Band.
It is under thedirection of Jim McGillvray. Starting in the fall of 1999,
students can study the bagpipes as their instrument for approved Ministry
of Education academic music credits. A junior band is being formed. Instruction
starts as early as Grade 6. Scholarship and Bursaries are available.
U n
i v e r s i t i e s
For the Technical
University of Berlin located in Berlin, the band of choice is the Berlin
Thistles Pipes & Drums
United Kingdom
U n
i v e r s i t i e s
At the University
of Abertay Dundee located in Dundee, there is a piping club. Information
is available from Mary-Ann MacKinnon by phone 01382 308291 at or by e-mail
At the Heriot-Watt
University located in Edinburgh, there is the Heriot-Watt University
Pipe Band It can be reached through its Pipe Major, Gavin B. Richardson,
by e-mail at
(personal) or (pipe
New Zealand
H i
g h S c h o o l s
At the St.
Andrews School located in in Christchurch, there is the St.
Andrew's College Pipe Band
South Africa
H i
g h S c h o o l s
For Penryn College,
a high school in Mpumalanga, there is the Stevenson-Hamilton
Pipe Band.
United Kingdom
U n
i v e r s i t i e s
At the Heriot-Watt
University located in Edinburgh, there is the Heriot-Watt University
Pipe Band It can be reached through its Pipe Major, Gregor J. Colville,
by e-mail at
. The band has an asssociated Highland Dance Team.
S c
h o o l s
For schools in
the district around Stirling, Scotland, there is Stirling
& District Schools PIpe Band .
United States of America
U n
i v e r s i t i e s
- Arizona
For Arizona
State University, located in Tempe, Arizona, the bands of choice are
the Mesa Caledonian Pipe Band,
and the Phoenix Scottish
Pipe Band.
For University
of Arizona, located in Tucson, Arizona, the band of choice is one of
those of the Seven Pipers Society.
- Arkansas
Lyon College (formerly, Arkansas
College), located in Batesville, Arkansas, there is the Lyon College
Pipe Band. It can be reached through the Pipe Major, Will Muirhead,
by phone at (870) 698-4298 or by e-mail at
They offer scholarships to pipers, drummers and dancers.
- California
For both the University
of California, Riverside, located in Riverside, California, the band
is the University of California
Riverside Pipe Band.
For the University
of Redlands, located in Redlands, California, the band of choice is
the R. P. Blandford &
Son Pipe Band.
For both Sonoma
State University, in Rohnert Park, California, and Santa
Rosa Junior College, in Santa Rosa, the band of choice is the Santa
Rosa Pipes & Drums. The Pipe Major, John Creager, can be reached
by phone at (707) 576-0511, by mail at 5690 Corbett Circle, Santa Rosa,
CA 95403, or by e-mail at
- Colorado
For Colorado
State University, located in Fort Collins, Colorado, the band of choice
is the Fort
Collins Pipe Band.
- Connecticut
At United
States Coast Guard Academy, located in New London, Connecticut, the
band is the USCGA Pipe Band. It can be reached through CWO Edwards,
Director, Cadet Bands by phone at (860) 444-8466 or the Pipe Major, 4/c
Daniel Blair Sweigart, at
At Trinity
College, located in Hartford, the band is the Trinity
College Pipes & Drums.
- Florida
For the Florida
State University, located in Tallahasse, Florida, the band of choice
is the Tallahassee
Pipe Band.
For the University
of Florida, located in Gainesville, Florida, the band of choice is the
University City Pipe Band .
For the University
of Cenral Florida, Rollings College, Winter Park Stetson University, Deland
Seminole Community College, and Valencia Community College the band of choice
is Rosie O'Grady's Highlanders The band is able to provide regular
part time evening work playing pipes or snare drum to qualified players.Ê
Located in Orlando Florida The Pipe Major, Ron McGinnisÊcan be reached by
phone at (407) 366 4435, Fax at (407) 830 9366, or by e-mail at
- Hawaii
For the University
of Hawaii, located on Oahu, Hawaii, there is the Celtic
Pipes and Drums of Hawaii.
- Idaho
For both the University
of Idaho, located at Moscow, Idaho, and the Washington
State University, located at Pullman, Washington, the band of choice
is the Border Highlanders. The Pipe Major is Kirk McMichael. The
band can be reached through Sam Scripter, by e-mail,,
or, by phone
at (208) 885-7360, and by mail at W7UFQ, Geography Department, University
of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844-3021
- Indiana
At the University
of Notre Dame, located at Notre Dame, Indiana, there is the Notre
Dame Bagpipe Band. It can be reached through its president, Marty Hughes,
by phone at (219) 634-4461 or by e-mail at
- Illinois
At the University
of Chicago, located in Chicago, Illinois, there is the University
of Chicago Alumni Association Pipe Band. It can be reached through
its Band Manager, Jerry Cadden, by phone at (312) 752-6515 or e-mail at
More information can be obtained from the Pipe
Band List.
For the University
of Illinois, located at Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, the band of choice
is the Celtic
Cross Pipe Band, itself located in Peoria Illinois. The band's university
contact is Sandy Seehusen,
who can be reached by phone (217) 356-5926, or email
The Pipe Major, Craig Aune, can be reached by phone at (309) 263-7982 or
snail mail at 315 Circle Dr., Morton, IL 61550. More information can be
obtained from the Pipe
Band List.
At Monmouth College, located in Monmouth,
Illinois, there is the Monmouth College Pipes and Drums. Monmouth
College, a small liberal arts college in Western Illinois, offers full and
partial scholarships for pipers and drummers who qualify.
- Iowa
At the University
of Iowa, located in Iowa City, Iowa, there is the University
of Iowa Scottish Highlanders.
- Maine
For the Maine
Maritime Academy, there is the Main
Maritime Academy Pipe and Drum Corps.
- Maryland
For St.
John's College, located in Annapolis, Maryland, the band of choice is
the Chesapeake Caledonian Pipe
At the United
States Naval Academy, located in Annapolis, Maryland, there is the Pipes
and Drums of the Brigade of Midshipmen.
- Michigan
Associated with
the Troy School District,
in Troy, Michigan, there is the Michigan
Scottish Pipes and Drums.
- Minnesota
At Macalester
College, located in Saint Paul, Minnesota, there is the Macalester
College Pipe Band. The band can be reached by phone at home at (612)
696-6695 and by e-mail through Cheryl L. Rose by
- New Mexico
For the University
of New Mexico, located at Albuquerque, New Mexico, there is the High
Desert Pipes and Drums.
- New York
Iona College, located in New Rochelle,
New York, there is the Iona
College Pipe Band. They offer piping scholarships. They can be reached
at Iona College Pipe Band, c/o Iona College, North Avenue, New Rochelle,
N.Y. 10804.
At Manhattan
College, located in New York City, New York, there is the Manhattan
College Pipes & Drums. They offer scholarships for piping and
At the The
United States Military Academy located at West Point, New York, there
is the West Point Pipes and Drums. The band can be reached through
the Officer Representative, Father Edson Wood, by e-mail at
- North Carolina
St. Andrews Presbyterian College, located at Laurinburg, North Carolina,
there is the St. Andrews College Pipe Band. It can be reached through
Bill Caudill by phone at (910) 277-5236 or e-mail at
The school offers scholarships (ranging up to $4,500 per year) in piping,
drumming and highland dancing. Information is also available by or by phoning
the Office of Admissions at 1-800-763-0198 and stating that you are a piper/drummer/dancer/celtic
musician and interested in the Scottish Heritage Scholarship offerings.
At North
Carolina State University, located in Raleigh, North Carolina, there
is the North
Carolina State University Pipes and Drums.
For the Western Carolina University,
located at Cullowhee, North Carolina, the band of choice is the Highlands
Pipes and Drums, of Cullowhee. The band offers a scholarship as
a memorial to Piper
Robert Reitz
- Ohio
At the College of Wooster, located
at Wooster, Ohio, there is the Wooster Scot Band. See also, Scot
Pipers. The band can be reached through the Band Director, Nancy Ditmer.
The e-mail address is
They offer minor scholarships for pipers, drummers, and highland dancers.
More information can be obtained from the Pipe
Band List.
For the Youngstown
State University, located at Youngstown, Ohio, the band of choice is
the Crag Dhe Cead Pipe Band, itself located in Akron, Ohio. The band's
university contact is Doug Faires, who can be reached by email
- Pennsylvania
At Carnegie
Mellon University, located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, there is the
Carnegie Mellon University
Pipes and Drums. The pipe major is Alasdair Gillies. The band can
be reached by e-mail at
At the Edinboro
University of PA the band is the Edinboro Univesity of PA Pipes and
Drums. It can be reached through its Pipe Band Director, Bruce E. Best,
by either e-mail at
or phone at (814) 732-2555, or through the Marching Band Director, Gary
S. Grant, by phone at (814) 732-2797. Instruction is available for beginning
piping students, and Marching Band credit is offered for participation in
the Pipe Band. Edinboro University is also the site of the Edinboro Spring
Highlands Festival, with pipe band contests, Highland dancing, athletic
events and more. The festival is held the first weekend in May. For more
information about the Spring Highlands Festival, contact Dr. Tim Thompson
through the University switchboard, at (814)732-2000.
For Penn
State University (Schuylkill Campus), located in Schuylkill Haven, Pennsylvania,
the band of choice is the Hawk Mountain Highlanders. It can be reached
through the Pipe Major, Wes Loder, by home phone at (570) 366-1238, work
phone (570) 385-6238, or e-mail at
More information can be obtained from the Pipe
Band List.
For a series of
universities in Northeastern Pennsylvania --- Penn
State University, Hazleton, Penn State
University, Wilkes-Barr, Penn State
University, Worthington Scranton,Ê King's
College, University of Scranton,Ê
Wilkes University,Ê Marywood
University,Ê College Misercordia,Ê
--- there is the
Ceol Mor Pipe and Drum Band, located in Luzerne County, PA.
For Penn
State University (University Park Campus), located in State College,
Pennsylvania, the band of choice is the Nittany
Highland Pipe Band.
- South Carolina
At The
Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, located in Charleston,
South Carolina, there is the Citadel Pipe Band. The Pipe Major, Sandy
Jones, can be reached by e-mail at
and by regular mail at The Citadel Pipe Band, (Military College of the South),
PO Box 26, Charleston, SC 29409
- Texas
For Texas
Tech University, located at Lubbock, Texas, the band of choice is the
Texas Highlands Celtic Brigade Pipe Band. It can be reached through
Hilton McLarin whose e-mail address is
For the University
of Texas at Austin, located at Austin, Texas, the band of choice is
the Silver Thistle Pipes and Drums. It can be reached through the
Pipe Major, Ken Liechti, by home phone at (512) 323-0631 or work phone at
(512) 471-4164. There is e-mail contact through the Pipe Sergeant, Wade
Harper, at
or by phone at (512) 339-1676 or (512) 386-4020.
- Utah
For Brigham
Young Universtiy, located at Provo, Utah, there is the BYU
Pipe Band.
For Southern
Utah University, located at Cedar City, Utah, there is the Scarlet
& Black Highlanders Pipe Band. It can be reached through Pipe Major
Dale Hawkins whose e-mail address is
- Virginia
For the following
institutions located in the vacinity of Williamsburg, VA:
- the College of William and Mary,
located in Williamsburg,
- the University of Richmond,
located in Richmond,
- the Virginia Commonwealth University,
located in Richmond,
- the Old Dominion University, located
in Norfolk,
- the Hampton University,
located in Hampton, and
- the University of Virginia,
located in Charlottesville,
the band of choice is the Strath James Pipe Band, itself located
in Williamsburg, Virginia (PO Box 1250, VA 23187-1250). The band can be
reached through the Pipe Major, Jay Close, by phone at (804) 564-0838 or
through Mark Ferguson by e-mail at
For Mary
Washington College located in Fredericksburg, there is the Mary Washington
College Eagle Pipe Band. It can be reached through the Pipe Major, Ray
Scott, at
- Washington
For both the Washington
State University, located at Pullman, Washington, and by the University
of Idaho, located at Moscow, Idaho, the band of choice is the Border
Highlanders. The Pipe Major is Kirk McMichael. The band can be reached
through Sam Scripter, by e-mail,,
or, by phone
at (208) 885-7360, and by mail at W7UFQ, Geography Department, University
of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844-3021
- Wisconsin
For the campus
of the University of Wisconsin located
at La Crosse, Wisconsin, the band of choice is Chippewa Valley Pipes
and Drums The Pipe Major, Layne Yost, can be reached by phone at (715)
839-0203. By e-mail you can reach band members, Mark Knok at
and Lloyd Bogart at
At the campus
of the University of Wisconsin located
at Madison, Wisconsin, there is the Madison Pipes and Drums
H i
g h S c h o o l s
(The original high school
list was compiled by Scott McLean
H i g
h S c h o o l s
- California
Fairfield HS,
205 E. Atlantic Ave., Pleasanton, CA. 94588
Glendora HS, 1600
E. Foothill Blvd., Glendora, CA. 91741
Santa Cruz HS,
415 Walnut Ave., Santa Cruz, CA. 95060
Foothill HS, 4375
Foothill Rd., Pleasanton, CA. 94588
Uplands HS, P.O.
Box 1239, Uplands, CA. 91785
- Florida
Dunedin HS, 1651
Pinehurst Rd., Dunedin, FL. 34698
Dunedin MS, 896
Union St., Dunedin, FL 34698 Dunedin Middle
School Pipe Band
Riverview HS,
1 Ram Way, Sarasota, FL. 34231
Lake Wales High
School, Highlander Band, 1 Highlander Way, Lake Wales, Florida 33853
- Illinois
Dundee-Crown HS,
1500 Kings Road, Carpentersville, IL. 60110
- Indiana
Highland HS, 2108
E. 200 N., Anderson, IN. 46012
- Kentucky
? HS, 1601 Columbia
Ave., Glasgow, KY. 42141
Jefferson HS,
Old Six Mile Ln., Jeffersontown, KY. 40299
- Maryland
Calvert HS, Dares
Beach Road, Prince Frederick, MD 20678, Band Director: Ben Williams, (410)
Rockville HS,
2100 Baltimore Rd., Rockville, MD 20851
- New Jersey
Governor Livingston
HS, Berkeley Heights NJ: Highlander
Marching Band
- New York
Molloy HS, Queens NY
Pipe Band; 10 Prestige Pkwy; Scotia, NY 12302
Director: Maureen Connor
Xaverian HS, Brooklyn
- North Carolina
Scotland HS, P.O.
Box 1049, Laurinburg, NC 28353
Statesville HS,
474 N. Center St., Statesville, NC 28677
- Pennsylvania
Liberty HS, 1115
Linden St. in Bethlehem, PA. Grenadier
- South Carolina
Abbeville HS, PO
Box 927 Abbeville, SC 29620. E-mail to Amanda Hershberger,
- Texas
Bel Air HS, 731
N. Yarbrough St., El Paso, TX 79915, TX. See,
St. Thomas Epis.
HS, 4900 Jackwood, Houston, TX
- Utah
Ben Lomond HS,
800 Scots Ave., Ogden, UT 84404
Payson HS, 1050
S. Main, Payson, UT 84651
- Vermont
Saint Johnsbury Academy , 1000 Main Street, St. Johnsbury, Caledonia County , Vermont 05819, phone 802-748-8171: The Graham Highlanders of St. Johnsbury Academy
- Washington
Shadle Park HS,
4327 N. Ash St., Spokane, WA. 99207
Shorecrest HS,
5343 25th. Ave. N.E., Shoreline, WA. 98155
Alma College, located
at Alma, Michigan, is reputed to offer scholarships for pipers. Alas, there
no longer is a pipe band in the vicinity of the college.
Pipes and Drums of Cullowhee (western North Carolina) offers a scholarship
in memory of one of its members.
Iona College,
New, Rochelle, N.Y. offers scholarships for pipers (and drummers?). See
the discussion above under Iona College.
Lyon College,
Batesville, Arkansas offers scholarships for pipers, drummers and dancers.
See the discussion above under Lyon College.
Monmouth College,
in west central Illinois, offers two piping scholarships per year and
one drumming scholarship every other year. For further infomration, contact
Dick Valentine, Office of Admissions at (309) 457-2131. Also, see the
discussion above under Monmouth College.
Manhattan College
Pipes and Drums offers scholarships for piping and drumming. See the discussion
on their site under Recruitment.
St. Andrews Presbyterian
College, located at Laurinburg, North Carolina offers scholarships for
pipers, drummers and dancers. See the discussion above under St.
Andrews Presbyterian College.
The College of
Wooster, located in Wooster, Ohio offers minor scholarships for pipers,
drummers, and highland dancers. See the discussion above under Wooster
Useful links:
Gaelic and Gaelic Culture offers a wealth of general Gaelic information.
The Bagpipes go to the Movies provides a list of movies in which the
bagpipes have either appeared or been heard.
Click on the Fraser Clan
Crest Badge
to go to the
domain of
Alistair B. Fraser. |